Let’s Find Some Adventure!

About six months ago I called it quits. I retired. After almost 30 years with the United States Army (both active and reserve time) and 27 years with a large statewide law enforcement agency, I was ready for something else, a next step or phase in life, something different. It’s amazing, looking back now, with that six month cushion, how much different things are. I am no longer consumed by work and the daily battles of bureaucratic nonsense. Life is more relaxing now, more vibrant, just plain more fun. I’m enjoying this retirement thing, I highly recommend it. Trust me, if your still working, this is worth it, keep pushing forward and keep your eye on that prize. I have also found that I have A LOT more time on my hands, so we come to this blog.

A couple months back I attended a training class for riding one’s adventure motorcycle. As with almost all classes, we started with the obligatory, “tell us about yourself.” My answer was fairly simple, “I retired a few months back so now I plan on riding my motorcycles, scuba diving, getting outside and making up for lost time with my family.” So, that’s what I’m doing and that’s what this blog is going to be about (or so that’s the plan). I’ve been posting pictures on Instagram and Facebook, but there’s more behind those pictures, why not tell the story? I plan on giving you, who might want to read this, a bit more depth and context to the trips I take and have taken, the how, the what, the when and the why as they say. I routinely watch different YouTube channels and read other folks blogs and ramblings about motorcycle trips, scuba trips and other adventures, I pick up a new idea or tip every time. So, if I can share a little bit of knowledge or a lesson learned, or give you an idea to get out and do something, mission accomplished.

I plan on posting here routinely, how often though? I don’t really know. I’m sure you can see from the set up this whole thing that I’m new to this blogging idea. Hopefully it’s fairly easy to post something, then there will be more posts. It took me a while to figure out how to even set this thing up and I hope I can improve it as I go along and learn more. There should be a place for comments(I hope!), so please leave comments…pointers and blog writing advice greatly appreciated!

If you’re still reading at this point, thanks! I appreciate you taking the time to stop by and I look forward to you engaging with my adventures and reading my rambling thoughts. Remember “someday” is not a day of the week, get out there, find your adventure and live your life!

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